corrosive agents Tag

Corrosion in Tube

There are many reasons why hot water coils in your system can under-perform. Some reasons are from the time of the design, and many other instances can also occur after the coils have been installed. Here are 10 common reasons why hot water heating coils can fail:   Air stratification issues - The air flow across the surface of the coil is not being evenly...

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Replacement Coils

Coil replacement has been a part of the HVAC aftermarket for as long as finned tube coils have been used to create heat transfer. The coils installed in the 50’s and 60’s were heavier duty than today’s coils and were almost always spiral fin type with a tension wound fin onto copper tubes.  The plate fin didn’t become prevalent until the mid-60’s. By the end...

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Plugged Coil

  Replacing heat exchanger coils was adapted ever since the beginning of the HVAC and processing/cooling era. It’s now close to 90 years since the first finned tube heat exchangers appeared on the market in the early 1900’s. The coil has undergone drastic changes over the years, from the spiral wound type to the plate fin coils that currently dominate the market. Throughout each decade, the...

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USA Coil & Air manufactures shell and tube heat exchangers and replacement tube bundles for existing equipment. Most of our applications are water to water type or steam to water type of heat exchange. Tube materials are normally copper, carbon steel, admiralty brass, 90/10 cupro-nickel, 304L or 316L stainless steel. Tube sheets can be made of the same materials. We can cross reference many of...

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Replacing heat exchanger coils has been taking place since the beginning of the HVAC and processing and cooling era.  It’s now close to 90 years since the first finned tube heat exchangers appeared on the market in the early 1900’s. The coil has undergone drastic changes over the years - from spiral wound type through the plate fin coils that currently dominate the market. Throughout...

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